Sam A. Brown, CIAO
Sam A. Brown assumed the role of Rich Township Assessor at the beginning of 2018. Prior to 2018, Sam served as a Property Tax Appeals Analyst and Hearing Officer for the Cook County Board of Review for 11 years. During this time Sam had the privilege of assisting thousands of Cook County residential property tax payers achieve fair and equitable property tax assessments via the appeals process.
In the role of Assessor, Sam’s efforts focus on serving the residents of Rich Township by helping to ensure fair and equitable property assessments are achieved through the appeals process, and assisting residents in obtaining any homeowner/senior/disabled or other exemptions for which they
are eligible to receive.
Sam is a Certified Illinois Assessing Officer (CIAO), a requirement for becoming a Township Assessor. In addition, he has lived with his family in the Village of Matteson (Rich Township) for the past 35 years where he also served as a Village Trustee for 15 years. Sam also holds a Bachelor's
Degree in Accounting.

Responsibilities of the Assessor
The assessor evaluates and appraises property in the township which is subject to taxation for the year. (60 ILCS 1/77-5).